Getting Started with Identity and Access Management

Getting Started with Identity and Access Management

Starting your identity and access management (IAM) journey is a challenging task. As the digital world is becoming even more complex, ad hoc solutions are not enough to ensure that sensitive data is protected and access to APIs, apps and websites is secured.

Luckily, there are standard protocols in place to help avoid data leaks, comply with regulations and mitigate potential risks. The free Community Edition of the Curity Identity Server allows you to leverage OAuth and OpenID Connect standards to solve these challenges and make sure that IAM easily integrates with your existing and future system in a scalable manner.

This webinar covers:

  • The complexities of IAM and how to solve them
  • Specific business and security challenges
  • How leveraging OAuth and OpenID Connect addresses these complexities
  • Demonstration of how the free Community Edition of the Curity Identity Server can be useful

Presented by:

Jonas Iggbom

Jonas Iggbom

Director of Sales Engineering at Curity
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